Dennis Reilly

Dennis Reilly, JD

Statewide Drug Court Coordinator, New York Unified Court System

Dennis Reilly, JD, is currently the Statewide Drug Court Coordinator of the New York Unified Court System, overseeing policies and practices of all New York’s drug treatment courts including the planning, coordination, and implementation of training. In this role, he manages collaborations with partner state agencies and operational issues statewide. This position supports state drug courts and opioid courts in following research-based practices for court practice, supervision, treatment and community recovery-oriented systems of care. His experience, over more than 20 years, in therapeutic jurisprudence, community supervision, evidence-based treatment implementation, and the development of recovery-oriented systems of care, provides a strong foundation to assist in the development of implementation strategies that will allow the opioid court model, as framed by the Ten Essential Elements of Opioid Intervention Courts, to be scaled up across New York State.